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Where you can find us next:
International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE) Annual Meeting
July 2024 – Prague, Czech Republic
Past Conferences, Meetings, and Presentations:
Annul Meeting for the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (CSEE)
May 26-29, 2024 – Vancouver, British Columbia

- Bark Beetle Dynamics Under Global Change. Chaired by Dr. Micah Brush and Dr. Evan Johnson (Lewis Lab)
- Collaborating across disciplines in socio-ecological systems: a case study in mountain pine beetles. Chaired by Jenna Hutchen (Nguyen Lab)
Oral Presentations:
- Assessment of Mountain Pine Beetle’s range expansion using statistical models. Dr. Evan Johnson (Lewis Lab)
- Help or hindrance? Host defence and host quality affect mountain pine beetle behaviour in jack pine. Dr. Antonia Musso (Evenden Lab)
- Modelling long-term dynamics of mountain pine beetle in Alberta under climate change. Dr. Mark Lewis
- Landscape and windscape genetics of jack pine (Pinus banksiana). Dr. Mel Lucas (Coltman Lab)
- Characterizing the speed and severity of mountain pine beetle spread under climate change using a mechanistic model. Dr. Micah Brush (Lewis Lab)
- Energy-dependent behavioural response of mountain pine beetle to semiochemicals with implications for dispersal. Leanne Petro (Evenden Lab)
- From genomics to communities: if we understand it, will they use it? Dr. Catherine Cullingham
- Bridging across boundaries: navigating challenges in interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr. Valerie Berseth (Nguyen Lab)
- Strategies for communicating complex methods and results: examples from *omics. Dr. Rhiannon Peery (Cullingham Lab)
- Using genomics to measure range expansion and adaptation to assess mountain pine beetle persistence risk. Zach Balzer (Coltman Lab)
- A dynamic energy budget model to describe Mountain Pine Beetle under climate change. Kévan Rastello (Lewis Lab)
- A community-centered approach to conducting research. Jenna Hutchen (Nguyen Lab)
- Pathogen Resistance and Environmental Adaptation: Insights from Meta-Analysis and RNA-Seq in Conifers. Mina Sadeghiniaraki (Cullingham Lab)
Poster Presentations:
- Mitochondrial genomic analysis of North American bark beetles (Dendroctonus sp.) during novel range expansion. Caroline Grela (Cullingham Lab) ,*Awarded CSEE 2nd Place Student Poster Award
TRIA-FoR Annual General Meeting
May 15-16, 2024
Carleton University

Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology (OCIB) Symposium
April 29-30, 2024 – Carleton University

3-Minute-Thesis Presentations:
- Comparative genomic analysis of North American bark beetles (Dendroctonus sp.) to identify signatures of range expansion. Caroline Grela (Cullingham Lab)
Oral Presentations:
- Pathogen Resistance and Environmental Adaptation: Insights from Meta-Analysis and RNA-seq in Conifers. Mina Sadeghiniaraki (Cullingham Lab)
Poster Presentations:
- Using Genotype-Environment Associations to Incorporate Local Adaptation in Current and Future Species Distributions Models for Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana). Grace Gardner (Cullingham Lab)
15th Annual R.E. Peter Biology Conference
March 19-21, 2024 – University of Alberta

Oral Presentations:
- The effects of volatile tree emissions on detection of host lodgepole pine by mountain pine beetle. Madelyn O’Hara (Cooke Lab)
Poster Presentations:
- Characterizing genes that influence host quality of lodgepole pine to mountain pine beetle. Raymond Kwok (Cooke Lab)
- Morphological and dendrochronological traits distinguishing MPB-resilient and MPB-susceptible lodgepole pine families. Lucas Iwamoto Feitosa (Cooke Lab)
66th Annual Forest Pest Management Forum
November 28-30, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario

Oral Presentations:
- Using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis as a Method to Address Mountain Pine Beetle Management. Emma Neale (Schott Lab)
- Recovery of Ecosystems and Ecoservices Following a Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic. Caroline Grela (Cullingham Lab)
- Using the Mountain Pine Beetle System to Demonstrate the use of Genomics to Understand Risk and Resiliency of Forests. Dr. Catherine Cullingham
fRI Research Federal-provincial Mountain Pine Beetle Research Forum
October 24-26, 2023 – Edmonton, Alberta

Oral Presentations:
- Modelling eastern spread risk of mountain pine beetle using host genetic ancestry. Dr. Catherine Cullingham
- The physiological costs and consequences of overwintering in mountain pine beetle. Dr. Heath MacMillan
- Modelling long-term dynamics of MPB in Alberta under climate change. Dr. Mark Lewis
- Assessment of eastern spread risk of MPB through studies on beetle dispersal. Dr. Maya Evenden
Poster Presentations:
- Living in a lonely world: Population phase-dependent dispersal of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins). Dr. Antonia Musso (Evenden Lab)
- Enhanced receptivity of beetles to host semiochemicals. Leanne Petro (Evenden Lab)

TRIA-FoR Annual General Meeting
August 22-25, 2023
University of Alberta